
Describe how to simplify the expression (3^-6)/(3^-4). Answers: Divide the bases and then add the exponents. Keep the base the same and then add the exponents. Multiply the bases and then subtract the exponents. Keep the base the same and then subtract the exponents.

Accepted Solution

Answer: Last option: Keep the base the same and then subtract the exponents.Step-by-step explanation: There is a property called "Quotient of power property". This property states that if you need to divide two powers with the same base, you must keep the same base and subtract the exponents: [tex]\frac{a^m}{a^n}=a^{(m-n)}[/tex] Then, you need to apply this property to the expression [tex]\frac{(3^{-6})}{(3^{-4})}[/tex] to simplify it. Therefore, you get that the expression simplified is: [tex]3^{(-6-(-4))}=3^{(-6+4)}=3^{-2}[/tex]